If you choose to use Flat-Rate products for shipments over 1lb, your automatic max shipping cost for buyers will be set to $8.35.On the ‘Domestic Shipments over 5 lbs section, choose between USPS Priority Mail (default setting) or USPS Flat Rate Boxes or USPS Ground AdvantageĪ few very important notes around shipping with Flat-Rate packaging for shipments over 1lb:.
*Note: Flat-Rate shipping is not available for market place orders at this time. Please follow the below instructions to turn on Flat Rate for your shipments: Sellers can now use USPS Flat-Rate boxes (small, medium, and large) and envelopes (Legal and Padded) for $8.35 on Priority Mail shipments up to 70 lbs! In order to use USPS Flat-Rate packaging, you will need to opt in to Flat-Rate packaging from your profile settings under ‘Shipping’ and/or when creating your show.